807. Inspiráló csomagolás idézetek
Híres csomagolós gondolatok csomagolás függőnek.
A csomagolással és a csomagolásról akár igazán magvas gondolatokat is meg lehet osztani, amit ezek a csomagolással kapcsolatos inspiráló idézetek is mutatnak.
Mert - Örkény után szabadon - csomagolni a legjobb a világon.
(Az eredeti idézetek a képek alatt találhatóak.)
Idézetek eredeti nyelven:
Steve Jobs: "Packaging can be theater, it can create a story."
Delia Smith: "A hen’s egg is, quite simply, a work of art, a masterpiece of design and construction with, it has to be said, brilliant packaging!"
Dar Williams: "Sometimes life gives us lessons sent in ridiculous packaging."
Philip Morris: "In the absence of any other Marketing messages, our packaging — comprised of the trademark, our design, color and information — is the sole communicator of our brand essence. Put another way — when you don’t have anything else — our packaging is our Marketing."
Veronica Roth: "Politeness is deception in pretty packaging."
Gerald Caiafa: "The packaging has to really sell the product today, because kids can go out and buy a CD and then 10 kids can burn them. So you have to really be on your toes."